Agni Yoga
Teachings: Sex
Leaves of Morya's Garden
Illumination, III:V:12.
In creeds and laws intemperance is much condemned, but again without
explanation. The practicality of temperateness in food and speech can be
seen over a period of several months. Of course, as always, We are opposed
to fanaticism and torments; the body knows it full needs. About sexual
temperance it is necessary to speak in more detail; too much space has been
allotted this subject by contemporary thinking.
Very ancient mysteries said: 'The lingam is the
vessel of wisdom,' but in time this knowledge was converted into hideous
phallic cults, and religion began to prohibit something without knowing
exactly why. Whereas, it should have been said simply that the fact of
conception is so wondrous that it is impossible to deal with it by ordinary
One may weigh, one may analyze up to the most
minute particles, but still there remains an imperceptible and inscrutable
substance, as irreplaceable as the vital force of a seed. In due time We
shall direct attention to certain striking properties of this substance,
which can be seen; but now it must be agreed that such an extraordinary
substance must be very precious and must have some extremely important
qualities even a fool will comprehend this. Experiment provides certainly
the best proof. If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the
vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we
will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual
apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors
becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and
ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are
being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire. That is why
temperance is not a pathological renunciation but a sensible action. To
bestow life does not mean to cast away the entire supply of vital substance.
If at the first step people would at least
remember the value of the vital substance, then by this alone the necessity
of prohibitions would be notably reduced. Forbiddance must be done away
with; this is a law of striving. But an irreplaceable treasure will be
preserved, and this also is a law of striving.
Let us look at things more veraciously--
everything irreplaceable will be in the prime places of conservation.
Can we actually cast the treasure away into
space? Indeed, this energy will adhere to the elements from which it has
been extracted with such difficulty; and instead of cooperation with
evolution there results rubbish, which is subject to a reworking.
Thus, let us picture temperance as wings!
Letters Of Helena Roerich I
"Until now, this knowledge has been purposely obscured, for
humanity was not ready to accept it in all its purity and
beauty. But at the moment, humanity has reached its turning
point when spirituality will have to dominate, or else the
planet may be destroyed. Therefore, this most sacred cosmic
law must be gradually introduced and assimilated, so as to
check and purify our dreadful sexual licentiousness. Letters
Of Helena Roerich I, 5 May 1934.
is said in the Teachings, "Lingam is
the vessel of wisdom," meaning that its vital substance
possesses important properties. Precisely, by sparing
this substance vital forces are accumulated, and thus we
sustain creative power within ourselves. Therefore,
complete continence is expected of everyone who studies
practical occultism.
Only later did this knowledge take
the form of ugly phallic cults. This explains why the Arhats lead a life of complete continence.
Letters Of Helena Roerich I
31 May 1935. 4
Letters Of Helena Roerich II,
1939. "No amount of argument can make what is commonly termed 'sex freedom'
anything else but license for gratification of lower desire. In a more
highly evolved race... promiscuous sex relations
would be as rare then as are true marriages at the present time.
Letters Of Helena Roerich II,
1939. " I would not be quoted as upholding the continuance of the marriage
relations between men and women who are antagonistic, unfaithful and cruel
to each other." For this would be the worst kind of tyranny. "What I plead
for is more care in selection and the use of all natural means by which such
selection could be intelligently made. Wrong planetary conditions, sordid
motives, abnormal
desire, amounting to disease, are responsible for the majority of unhappy,
unnatural marriages of the present age....
(all the Agni Yoga books can be downloaded or
read online for free)
Same topic: Sex
and the Disciple (excerpts from the AAB books)

from the Work of the Tibetan Djwhal Khul, through Alice A. Bailey
Dangers to the sex organs. The danger of the over-stimulation
of these organs is well recognised theoretically, and I do not
purpose to enlarge on it greatly today. I but seek to point out that
this danger is very real. The reason is that in the overstimulation
of these centres the inner fire is but following the line of least
resistance, owing to the polarisation of the race as a whole. The
work, therefore, that the student has to do is twofold:—
a—He has to withdraw his consciousness from those centres; this is
no easy task for it means working against the results of age-long
b—He has to direct the attention of the creative impulse to the
mental plane. In so doing, if successful, he will turn the activity
of the divine fire to the throat centre and its corresponding head
centre, instead of to the lower organs of generation. Therefore, it
will be apparent to you why—unless a man is very advanced—it is not
wise to spend much time in meditation during the earlier years.
There was wisdom in the old Brahmanical rule that a man must give
his early years to household endeavour, and only when he had
fulfilled his function as a man could he go on to the life of the
devotee. This was the rule for the average. With advanced egos,
pupils and disciples, it is not so, and each must then work out his
own individual problem.
Letters On Occult Meditation - DANGERS TO BE AVOIDED IN
MEDITATION, The Tibetan - Lucis Publishing
is seldom of individual origin, unless a man misspends his life and
definitely misuses his body (through drink or sexual dissipation), and
that the bulk of the disease to be found in the world today is almost
entirely of group origin, is inherited, is the result of infection, or
the result of undernourishment.
Esoteric Healing
» Part One - The Basic Causes of Disease CHAPTER I - The Psychological
Causes of Disease
"Those who have the present needs of civilisation at heart...can...
co-operate with the Mahachohan in the work of effecting the very
necessary transfer of force from a lower to a higher centre, and
prevent (through knowledge), the incidental license. This will bring
about a refusal to besmirch the great love or sex impulse of nature.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire » SECTION TWO. The Fire of Mind - Solar
more: The Tibetan on The Disciple and Sex
One of the major problems today to the psychologist and in a lesser
degree to the medical man, is the growth of homosexuality, both
female and male. Specious arguments are brought forth in order to
prove that this abnormal development (and the consequent interest in
this morbid tendency) is due to the fact that the race is slowly
becoming androgynous in its development, and that the future
hermaphroditic man or woman is gradually making its appearance.
This, again, is not true.
Homosexuality is what you call a "left-over" from the sexual
excesses of Lemurian times, an inherited taint, if you like. Egos
who individualised and incarnated in that vast period of time are
the ones who today demonstrate homosexual tendencies. In those
days, so urgent was the sexual appetite, the normal processes of
human intercourse did not satisfy the insatiable desire of the advanced man
of the period. Soul force, flowing in through the processes of
individualisation, served to stimulate the lowest centres. Hence,
forbidden methods were practised.
Those who thus practised
them are today, in great numbers, in incarnation, and the ancient
habits are too strong for them. They are now far enough advanced
upon the evolutionary path so that the cure lies ready at this
time—if they choose to employ it. They can, with relative ease,
transfer the sex impulse to the throat centre, and thus become
creative in the higher sense, employing the energy [63] sensed
and circulating in right and constructive ways. Many of them are
beginning automatically
to do this.
However, it is well known that, among the so-called artistic types,
homosexuality is very prevalent. I say "so-called" for the truly
creative artist is not the
victim of these ancient evil predisposing habits.
It might be pointed out here that homosexuality is of three kinds:
1. That which is the result of ancient...
From: Esoteric Healing » Part One - The Basic Causes of Disease
CHAPTER I - The Psychological Causes of Disease

There are three rules which are important to disciples at this
1. Relinquish or sacrifice the age-old tendency to criticise and
adjust another's work, and thus preserve the inner group integrity.
More plans for service have been hindered by criticism, than by any
other major factor.
2. Relinquish or sacrifice the sense of responsibility for the
actions of others, and particularly of disciples. See that your own
activity measures up to theirs, and in the joy of struggle, and on
the way of service, the differences will disappear, and the general
good will be achieved.
3.Relinquish the pride of mind which sees its way and it's
interpretations to be correct and true, and other' false and wrong.
This is the way of separation. Adhere to the way of integration,
which is of the soul and not of the mind.
Excerpted from Alice Bailey's
"Esoteric Psychology II" p. 104-109, also in the compilation
"Ponder on This" p. 341