The Disciple and Sex
from the Work of the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul), through Alice A. Bailey

"The sex relation has, therefore, only one major objective, which is to produce physical bodies for incarnating souls.  The relation between the soul and the personality is consequently a higher aspect of the basic sex expression of the universe, and this relation is intended to bring about the appearance of a son of God as light in the world, enabling him to say, as did the Christ, that he is "the light of the world," and to fulfill the injunction, "let your light shine."  Again, the relation between humanity and the Hierarchy is intended to produce the radiance of group light and cause to emerge, out of these two planetary groups or bodies, through their close fusion and scientific interrelation, that form of divine manifestation to which the name "the Kingdom of God" has been given in the West."
Education in the New Age CHAPTER IV - The Culture of the Individual TRENDS INDICATIVE OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

By abstention from incontinence, energy is acquired.  Incontinence is usually regarded as the dissipation of the vitality or the virility of the animal nature.  The power to create upon the physical plane & to perpetuate the race is the highest physical act of which man is capable. The dissipation of the vital powers through loose living & incontinence is the great sin against the physical body. It involves the failure to recognize the importance of the procreative act, the inability to resist the lower desires & pleasures, & a loss of self control.  The results of this failure are apparent throughout the human family at this time in the low health average, in the full hospitals, & the diseased, enfeebled & anemic men, women & children everywhere to be found. There is little conservation of energy, & the very words "dissipation" & dissipated men" carry a lesson.
The Light Of The Soul (
TheYoga Sutras of Pantanjali) P199 .

"Those who have the present needs of civilisation at heart...can... co-operate with the Mahachohan in the work of effecting the very necessary transfer of force from a lower to a higher centre, and prevent (through knowledge), the incidental license. This will bring about a refusal to besmirch the great love or sex impulse of nature.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire » Section Two, The Fire of Mind - Solar Fire p. 909

"Disease is seldom of individual origin, unless a man misspends his life and definitely misuses his body (through drink or sexual dissipation), and that the bulk of the disease to be found in the world today is almost entirely of group origin, is inherited, is the result of infection, or the result of undernourishment.  
Esoteric Healing » Part One - The Basic Causes of Disease CHAPTER I - The Psychological Causes of Disease

Dangers to the sex organs.  The danger of the over-stimulation of these organs is well recognised theoretically, and I do not purpose to enlarge on it greatly today. I but seek to point out that this danger is very real. The reason is that in the overstimulation of these centres the inner fire is but following the line of least resistance, owing to the polarisation of the race as a whole. The work, therefore, that the student has to do is twofold:—
a—He has to withdraw his consciousness from those centres; this is no easy task for it means working against the results of age-long development.
b—He has to direct the attention of the creative impulse to the mental plane. In so doing, if successful, he will turn the activity of the divine fire to the throat centre and its corresponding head centre, instead of to the lower organs of generation. Therefore, it will be apparent to you why—unless a man is very advanced—it is not wise to spend much time in meditation during the earlier years. There was wisdom in the old Brahmanical rule that a man must give his early years to household endeavour, and only when he had fulfilled his function as a man could he go on to the life of the devotee. This was the rule for the average. With advanced egos, pupils and disciples, it is not so, and each must then work out his own individual problem.
Letters On Occult Meditation - Dangers to be avoided in Mediation, p. 106

Leaves of Morya's Garden II,  Illumination, 1925 III:V:12

Very ancient mysteries said:  "The lingam is the vessel of wisdom",  but in time this knowledge was converted into hideous phallic cults, and religion began to prohibit something without knowing exactly why. Whereas, it should have been said simply that the fact of conception is so wondrous that it is impossible to deal with it by ordinary measures.
      One may weigh, one may analyze up to the most minute particles, but still there remains an imperceptible and inscrutable substance, as irreplaceable as the vital force of a seed. In due time We shall direct attention to certain striking properties of this substance, which can be seen; but now it must be agreed that such an extraordinary substance must be very precious and must have some extremely important qualities even a fool will comprehend this. Experiment provides certainly the best proof If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire. That is why temperance is not a pathological renunciation but a sensible action. To bestow life does not mean to cast away the entire supply of vital substance.
      If at the first step people would at least remember the value of the vital substance, then by this alone the necessity of prohibitions would be notably reduced. Forbiddance must be done away with; this is a law of striving. But an irreplaceable treasure will be preserved, and this also is a law of striving. 
Let us look at things more veraciously. Everything irreplaceable will be in the prime places of conservation. Can we actually cast the treasure away into space? Indeed, this energy will adhere to the elements from which it has been extracted with such difficulty; and instead of cooperation with evolution there results rubbish, which is subject to a reworking. Thus, let us picture temperance as wings!


Letters Of Helena Roerich I, 31 May 1935. 4.

"It is said in the Teachings, "Lingam is the vessel of wisdom," meaning that its vital substance possesses important properties. Precisely, by sparing this substance vital forces are accumulated, and thus we sustain creative power within ourselves. Therefore, complete continence is expected of everyone who studies practical occultism. Only later did this knowledge take the form of ugly phallic cults. This explains why the Arhats lead a life of complete continence.  


Rule 11.
Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle to the higher, and preserve that which is created through the fire of the midway point.
This means, literally, the control by the initiate of the sex impulse, as usually understood, and the transference of the fire which now normally vitalises the generative organs to the throat centre, thus leading to creation upon the mental plane through the agency of mind. That which is to be created must then be nourished and sustained by the love energy of nature issuing from the heart centre.
The lower triangle referred to is: 1. The solar plexus. 2. The base of the spine. 3. The generative organs.
Whilst the higher one is, as pointed out: 1. The head. 2. The throat. 3. The heart.
This might be interpreted by the superficial reader as an injunction to the celibate life, and the pledging of the applicant to abstain from all physical manifestation of the sex impulse. This is not so. Many initiates have attained their objective when duly and wisely participating in the marriage relation.

The teaching of wrong sexual habits, the example of widespread prostitution (I use this word in connection with men as well as women), the growth of homosexuality (not in its rare physiological forms and predispositions but from the angle of a perverted mentality and an unwholesome imagination, which today lie behind so much of its expression), the narrow-minded Christian inheritance of a "guilt complex" where sex is concerned, and the heritage of diseased and over-or under-sexed physical bodies, have brought the race to its present chaotic and unintelligent handling of the important problem. The solution will not be found through religious pronouncements, based upon an outworn theory, or through physiological inhibition or legalised license; neither will it come through legislation, inspired by various schools of thought in any community or nation. It will be the result of the united activity of the spiritually minded consciousness, the judicial attitude, the intellectual perception and the steady urge of the evolutionary process. Nothing can prevent the inevitability of the solution and the appearance of desirable attitudes and conditions wherein sex can find right expression. Esoteric Astrology » CHAPTER II - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology

The first thing a disciple has to do is to learn the true nature of creation & to conserve his energy.  Celibacy is not enjoined.  Self-control is.  In the relatively short cycle of lives, however, in which the aspirant fits himself to tread the path, he may have to pass a life or maybe several in a definite abstention from the act of procreation in order to learn complete control & to demonstrate the fact that he has completely subdued the lower sex nature.  The right use of the sex principle along with entire conformity to the law of the land is characteristic of every true aspirant.

Apart from a consideration of this along the lines of the conservation of energy, there is another angle from which the aspirant approaches the problem & that is the transmutation of the vital principle (as manifested through the physical organism) into the dynamic demonstration of it as manifested through the organ of sound, or creation, through the word, the work of the true magician.  There is as all students of occultism know, a close connection between the organs of generation & the third major centre, the throat centre.  This is apparent physiologically in the change of voice seen during the adolescent period.  Through the true conservation of energy & abstention from incontinence, the yogi becomes a creator on the mental plane through the use of the word & of sounds, & the energy which can be dissipated through the activity of the lower centre is concentrated & transmuted into the great creative work of the magician.  This is done through continence, pure living & clean thinking, & not through any perversions of occult truth such as sex magic & the enormities of the sex perversions of various so-called occult schools.  The latter are on the black path & do not lead to the portal of initiation. 
The Light Of The Soul (
TheYoga Sutras of Pantanjali) P 200

An aspirant to discipleship has in sex a real problem with which to contend. Self-indulgence and the control of the human being by any part of his organism are always inevitably wrong. When a man's entire mind is occupied with the thought of women, or vice versa; when he lives mainly to satisfy an animal craving; when he finds himself unable to resist the lure of his polar opposite, then he is a victim of and is controlled by the lowest part of his nature, the animal.

But when man recognizes his physical functions as a divine heritage, and his equipment as having been given him for the good of the group and to be rightly used for the benefit of the human family, then we shall see a new motivating impulse underlying human conduct where sex is concerned. We shall see the elimination of promiscuity, with its attendant evil, disease. We shall see the solution of the problem of too many children and, incidentally, easement of the economic problem. Through right control of the sex function and its relegation to the purpose for which it exists (the carrying onward of the human family and the providing of bodies whereby souls call gain experience) then right use will be made of sex. Then, passion, Lust, self-gratification, disease, and over-population will die out in the world. Matter will no longer be prostituted to selfish desire, and the relation between the sexes will be governed by understanding of divine purpose and skill-in-action.

Two points of view are equally wrong: in the one case we have practices taught which lead eventually to sexual orgies. These have been dignified by the name of sex magic, and in the sexual orgasm, deliberately induced, a man is led to believe that the physical sex act is his highest point of spiritual opportunity and that, at such a moment, he can touch, if he will, the kingdom of Heaven.

The other attitude, which makes marriage and all expression of the sex life a sin for a disciple and which says that a man cannot be pure in the truly spiritual aspect if he marries and raises a family, is as devastatingly dangerous. There is no state of consciousness and no condition of life in which it is impossible for a man to function as a son of God. If it is not possible for a man to live the life of discipleship and the life of initiation and, with due self-control and understanding, live a normal, balanced sex life; then there is a department of human expression in which divinity is helpless, and this I refuse to recognize. There is no department of life, no field of expression, no meeting of obligation, no use of the physical apparatus, in which the soul cannot fulfil the part of the dominating factor and all things be done truly to the glory of God. But the soul must control, and not the lower nature. People forget that some of the greatest of the world initiates married; that the Buddha married and had a son, and must have been an initiate of high degree when he entered into the married state.  They forget that Moses, David the Psalmist, and many of the outstanding figures in the world of mysticism in both hemispheres, were married and raised families.

Disciples belong to all races, both in the occident and in the orient, and the attitude of different races towards sex is widely diversified. Standards of conduct differ. The legality or the illegality of relations varies. Different epochs and different civilizations have seen relationships that were legal at one time, and illegal at another. Some races are monogamous and some races are polygamous. In some civilizations the woman is regarded as the dominant factor, and in others the man. Down the ages sex perverts, homosexuals, true and spurious, have been with us, and today is probably no worse than 5,000 years ago, except that everything is now dragged out into the light, which is good. Everybody talks about the problem; and the rising generation are asking in no uncertain tones: "What about sex? What is right and what is wrong?" How can they be expected to deal with a question which has been discussed, seemingly in the most futile manner, down the ages?    "The Labours of Hercules" (Labor II)

"..astral forms in close proximity to our Earth, which are rapidly "decomposing"... and yet have a very potent influence. ...produce two types of desire or of astral tendency among men. One produces much of that instinctual tendency to  cruelty which one sees in children and in certain types of men, and the other has an effect upon the sex life and produces some of those tendencies to perversions which cause so much difficulty now. Sadistic tendencies and sex perversions find much strengthening influence from these dying astral emanations.
Esoteric Psychology - Volume II » CHAPTER II - The Ray of Personality 4. Diseases and Problems of Disciples and Mystics

The solving of the sexual problem will release the minds of men from an inhibition and an undue concern, and so produce a mental freedom which will admit of the inflow of new ideas and concepts. We shall discover that vice and virtue have no real reference to ability and inability to conform to man-made laws, but to man's attitude to himself and to his social relation with God and his fellowmen. Virtue is the manifestation in man of the spirit of cooperation with his brothers, necessitating unselfishness, understanding and complete self-forgetfulness. Vice is the negation of this attitude. These two words signify in reality simply perfection and imperfection, conformity to a divine standard of brotherhood or a failure to achieve that standard. Standards are shifting things and change with man's growth towards divinity. They vary also according to man's destiny as it is affected by his time and age, his nature and surroundings. They alter also according to the point of evolutionary development. The standard for attainment is not today what it was one thousand years ago, nor a thousand years hence will it be what it is today.
Esoteric Psychology I - Section Two - II. The Rays and the Kingdoms in Nature

"When I was a child, I spake as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

1 Corinthians 13:11
[as we learn about True Men & Their Ways, we too begin to put away childish things]



One of the major problems today to the psychologist and in a lesser degree to the medical man, is the growth of homosexuality, both female and male.  Specious arguments are brought forth in order to prove that this abnormal development (and the consequent interest in this morbid tendency) is due to the fact that the race is slowly becoming androgynous in its development, and that the future hermaphroditic man or woman is gradually making its appearance.  This, again, is not true.  Homosexuality is what you call a "left-over" from the sexual excesses of Lemurian times, an inherited taint, if you like.  Egos who individualised and incarnated in that vast period of time are the ones who today demonstrate homosexual tendencies.  In those days, so urgent was the sexual appetite, the normal processes of human intercourse did not satisfy the insatiable desire of the advanced man of the period.  Soul force, flowing in through the processes of individualisation, served to stimulate the lowest centres.  Hence, forbidden methods were practised.   
 Those who thus practised them are today, in great numbers, in incarnation, and the ancient habits are too strong for them.  They are now far enough advanced upon the evolutionary path so that the cure lies ready at this time—if they choose to employ it.  They can, with relative ease, transfer the sex impulse to the throat centre, and thus become creative in the higher sense, employing the energy sensed and circulating in right and constructive ways.  Many of them are beginning automatically to do this.  However, it is well known that, among the so-called artistic types, homosexuality is very prevalent.  I say "so-called" for the truly creative artist is not the victim of these ancient evil predisposing habits.
It might be pointed out here that homosexuality is of three kinds...

A larger excerpt on homosexuality:
Source: From: Esoteric Healing » Part One - The Basic Causes of Disease CHAPTER I - The Psychological Causes of Disease 


The average boy and girl are not naturally degenerate and are not going to take risks when they know the risks exist. I would like to have the sex problem approached by the physician as he talks to the boys and girls as they are brought to him from the angle of parenthood, from the point of view of the dangers of promiscuity plus a warning as to homosexuality, which is one of the greatest menaces confronting the boys and girls today.           AAB, The Unfinished Autobiography, chapter 5.


Note:   The above should give readers a general idea of the Tibetan & AAB's thoughts on these topics. More has been written.  To read more, search AAB's 24 books on esoteric philosophy, by entering your keyword on the "search this site" line @   



"The problems confronting us should be faced with courage, with truth, & understanding, as well as with the willingness to speak factually, with simplicity & with love, in the effort to expose the truth & clarify the problems which must be solved. The opposing forces...must be routed..."  The Tibetan


"Until now, this knowledge has been purposely obscured, for humanity was not ready to accept it in all its purity and beauty. But at the moment, humanity has reached its turning point when spirituality will have to dominate, or else the planet may be destroyed. Therefore, this most sacred cosmic law must be gradually introduced and assimilated, so as to check and purify our dreadful sexual licentiousness."
Letters Of Helena Roerich I, 5 May 1934.

 There are three rules which are important to disciples at this time...

 1. Relinquish or sacrifice the age-old tendency to criticise and adjust another's work, and thus preserve the inner group integrity. More plans for service have been hindered by criticism, than by any other major factor.

 2. Relinquish or sacrifice the sense of responsibility for the actions of others, and particularly of disciples. See that your own activity measures up to theirs, and in the joy of struggle, and on the way of service, the differences will disappear, and the general good will be achieved.

 3.Relinquish the pride of mind which sees its way and it's interpretations to be correct and true, and other' false and wrong. This is the way of separation. Adhere to the way of integration, which is of the soul and not of the mind.


 Excerpted from Alice Bailey's  "Esoteric Psychology II" p. 104-109, also in the compilation "Ponder on This" p. 341



Denial is used for a psychological defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction. The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality. Where denial occurs in mature minds, it is most often associated with death, dying and rape. More recent research has significantly expanded the scope and utility of the concept. 




Leaves Of Morya's Garden   Book One      The Call
Into the New World my first message.

You who gave the Ashram,
And you who gave two lives,
Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps.
Reader, if you have not grasped — read again,
        after a while.
The predestined is not accidental,
The leaves fall in their time.
And winter is but the harbinger of spring.
All is revealed; all is attainable.
I will cover you with My shield,
        if you but tend to your labors.
I have spoken. 
--- The Agni Yoga books can be freely downloaded (available in seven languages):

There is no salvation surer than that through devotion. One can forgive much where there is unswerving devotion. The man who is devoted in heart can be relied upon. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the Fiery Sword. Be not astonished, the Battle increases!  
Agni Yoga:  Fiery World I, 605.


Excerpts from some of the books by the Master Djwhal Khul   (also known as the Tibetan and the Master DK)

For Newcomers: Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan

The Reappearance of the Christ 

Astral Polarisation

Avatars and Divine intervention

Christ Will Teach the Law of Rebirth

Contact, impersonality and love


Education in the New Age

Five pm meditation

Forces of Darkness

Harmlessness  (the scientific method, par excellence...of cleaning house & purifying the centres)

Hazards of Hatha Yoga



The Intuition

The Kingdom of God on Earth



Mental Polarisation


More quotations

The need for care in meditation

The new group of world servers


Problems arising out of the awakening & stimulation of the chakras

Purification of the vehicles

Quotations from an assortment the AAB books

The Reappearance of the Christ 

Reflective Meditation on Attracting Money for Hierarchical Purposes

Safeguards against the Dark Brothers


Service & the Aspirant/Disciple

Sex & the Disciple

Six Rules of the Path (Rules of the Road)


Teachers & parents (advice for)  

The Three Major Spiritual Festivals

The unfolding Disciple

The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali


Transmission Meditation Groups
It is the creation, in co-operation with the Hierarchy of Masters, of a vortex or pool of higher energy for the benefit of humanity. There are more than 600 Transmission groups in 40 countries worldwide meeting on a regular basis. You may join an existing group in your area, or form your own group by simply inviting a few interested friends to meet with you at least once a week. All you need is the intention to do so and the desire to serve. There is never any fee to participate.

Collection of free downloadable & online books
The Ageless Wisdom & Other Esoteric topics
An excellent online catalogue and library documents the stages of  return to the modern world of Maitreya & the Masters of Wisdom. An ongoing process for which some have been preparing humanity since 1875.

Collection of articles by Aart Jurriaanse
He wrote some compilations from Alice A. Bailey's books along with commentaries on those teachings.  His work has helped many students of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

Agni Yoga Teachings (all the books in seven languages can be downloaded at

Agni Yoga Teachings regarding sex
If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire.

Articles about UFOs & the Space Brothers

Esoteric Training
This article was dictated by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul, in 1934. It is printed in the book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 3-20, published by the Lucis Publishing Company. The need for trained esotericists is more urgent today than it was then.

The Alice Bailey books were published by Lucis Trust and can be purchased directly from them, or from fine bookstores everywhere:

Lucis Trust has a ~new  14-page introductory PDF booklet about the 3 major full festivals

   PDF with US meeting dates

PDF with UK meeting dates

   More Links



Benjamin Creme discusses the emergence of Maitreya, The World Teacher


Maitreya Dancing in Karbala (believe it or not!)


The "Horseman" appears @ 1:23:


Kalki Avatar with the sword of cleavage


"In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि; meaning 'Eternity,' 'White Horse,' or 'Destroyer of Filth') is the final incarnation of Vishnu [Maitreya, the World Teacher] in the current Mahayuga, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga [now!]...the Puranas foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of the end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga [New Age]." Source: Wikipedia

"When Maitreya comes before the world there will begin for men a period of intense heart-searching and reflection. It is only to be expected that for many it will be a painful, even traumatic, one. So steeped in the ways and ideas of the past, so fearful of a future unknown and strange, are millions today, that men will want to take stock of the new situation which will then pertain…. When Maitreya first announces His plans and hopes for the rehabilitation of the world, His energy of Love – the Sword of Cleavage – will further delineate the divisions which now exist. Men will take sides – for or against the new principles that He will present for the betterment of all. Thus will it be. Thus will a period of discord and discontent precede the acceptance of the new. Gradually, however, even the least sanguine will acknowledge the need for a reconstructed world and add their weight to the task.

"There will begin a time unlike aught seen before on Earth. On every hand and at every level the changes will pursue their logical course, cementing in law and principle and form the aspirations of all. Thus will men regain a hold on their destiny and turn away for ever from the abyss. (The Master -- from ‘Coping with change’) 
The Sword of Cleavage is the energy of Love. As people respond to this energy the world will be divided – those who are clamouring for change along the lines Maitreya is advocating, and those who are fearful and looking to the past, who see Him as the Antichrist, are fearful and do not know what to do. They will stand aside and watch the events, and so lose the opportunity presented, for the first time in history, to take part in the transformation of the world. It is up to each individual, from where he or she stands, to assert their divinity. (Benjamin Creme, The Awakening of Humanity)

"Much that is loved must go. Cling not to the old forms. Much will depend on man’s ability to renounce these outworn structures, and to create a new and simpler world. Remember this. Forget not that I come to change all things. My Coming brings peace. Likewise, My Presence brings cleavage. My Sword, that Love which I am, will separate all men, will show the True from the false, will clear the way for the New Light which I bring. May it be that you can withstand this change and accept My Light. (Maitreya, from Message No.74)

Source/read more:
The Sword of Cleavage: selection of quotations on the theme of ‘The Sword of Cleavage’ from Maitreya's Messages & Teachings, the Master --, and Benjamin Creme’s writings.

-- the selection of quotations is after the letters to the editor.


 In an interview with the German author Peter Andreas, the scientist Prof. G. Quispel expresses his amazement that the demonstrably wrong ideas on this subject have not been abandoned:

"I am constantly astonished to see that people still do not appear to know what has been recognized for one and a half centuries: that the beast from the Apocalypse refers to none other than the Caesar, Nero. Only the later Christian church, in the time of Constantine (325 AD), put the Apocalypse into a future, historical time-frame." (From: Was Morgenwahr sein kann, Econ Verlag)
666 -- and other misunderstandings



  • One of the easiest ways to know me, Maitreya says, is to be honest in your mind, be sincere in your spirit, and practice detachment. Any action performed with dishonesty of mind, an insincere spirit and attachment is destructive. For example, when you think one thing, say another, and do something which is different again, you are lost. Honesty of mind leads to honest speech and honest action. This harmony leads to peace and happiness. Without detachment there is no salvation.

  • Be what you are. Do not surrender your self-respect, your dignity, to others. Do not allow anyone to cast his shadow over you. A Master gives experiences, but does not cast his shadow.

  • Do not follow one another. If you practice honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment, you will know me, you will know the Lord.


Ponder on this Part 1

The Reappearance of the Christ Part 1


The Reappearance of the Christ Part 2


The Ageless Wisdom of Esoteric Psychology:

SRI SAI BABA - COSMIC AVATAR chanting the Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri is a great prayer for the blessing of all creatures.
Download this 125 KB mp3 file recording of  Sai Baba sounding the Gayatri Mantra  ~30 seconds long.
It has a profoundly nice effect - and can be set repeat on most of the free sound players.
People in previous generations have not had such a treasure freely available to them.


The Mahatma Letters



Eckhart Tolle - The Flowering of Human Consciousness


THRIVE  (full movie)



"The problems confronting us should be faced with courage, with truth, and understanding,
as well as with the willingness to speak factually, with simplicity and with love,
in the effort to expose the truth and clarify the problems which must be solved.
The opposing forces...must be routed..."     The Tibetan

"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
The World Teacher

 More excellent videos:

Ponder on This:

The Reappearance of the Christ:

"Almost anything you do [to help humanity] will seem insignificant,
but it's very important that you do it."  
Mahatma Gandhi

As a non-profit, educational, private initiative the website, while very grateful for their Great Work, is not affiliated with the Theosophical Society, Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, the Tibetan, Agni Yogi Foundation, Helena Roerich, H.P. Blavatsky, George Adamski, Benjamin Creme, Share International, Peter Liefhebber, and all others quoted here. Quoted texts are the intellectual property of the copyright holders. For the latest news on the emergence of Maitreya & the Masters of Wisdom, see the SI web site:

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