Safeguards against the Dark Brothers
From the work of Alice A. Bailey and Djwhal Khul

Oft too the Dark Brother masquerades as an agent of light, oft he poses as a messenger of the gods, but for your assurance I would say that he who acts under the guidance of the Ego [Soul/Solar Angel] will have clear vision, and will escape deception.

At this time their power is oftimes mighty. Why? Because so much exists as yet in the personalities of all men that respond to their vibration, and so it is easy for them to affect the bodies of men. So few in the races, comparatively speaking, have as yet built in the higher vibration that responds to the keynote of the Brotherhood of Light, who move practically entirely on the two highest levels (or the atomic & sub-atomic sub-planes) of the mental, emotional and physical planes. When moving on these sub-planes the attacks of elementals on lower planes may be felt but effect no harm, hence the necessity of pure living and controlled pure emotions and elevated thought.

You will notice that I said that the power of the Dark Brotherhood is dominant apparently on the physical and emotional planes. Not so is it on the mental which is the plane on which the Brothers of Light work. Mighty dark magicians may be located on the lower mental levels, but on the higher, the White Lodge dominates, the three higher sub-planes being the levels that They beg the evolving sons of men to seek; it is Their region, to which all must strive and aspire. The Dark Brother impresses his will on human beings (if analogous vibration exists) and on the elemental kingdoms of involution. The Brothers of Light plead, as pleaded the Man of Sorrows, for an erring humanity to rise upward to the light. The Dark Brother retards progress and shapes all to his own ends; the Brother of Light bends every effort to the hastening of evolution and --- forgoing all that might be His at the price of achievement --- stays amid the fogs, the strife, the evil and the hatred of the period if, in so doing, He may by all means aid some, and (lifting them up out of the darkness of earth) set their feet upon the Mount, and enable them to surmount the Cross...

And now what methods may be employed to safeguard the worker in the field of the world?

  • i. A realization that purity of all the vehicles is the prime essential. If a dark brother gains control over any man, it but shows that man has some weak spot. The door whereby entrance is effected, must be opened by the man himself; the opening whereby malignant force can be poured in, must be caused by the occupant of the vehicles. Therefore the need for scrupulous cleanliness of the physical body, of clean steady emotion permitted in the emotional body, and of purity of thought in the mental body. When this is so, co-ordination will be present in the lower vehicles, and the indwelling Thinker himself permits no entrance.

    ii. The elimination of all fear. The forces of evolution vibrate more rapidly than those of involution, and in this fact lies a recognizable security. Fear causes weakness; weakness causes a disintegration; the weak spot breaks and a gap appears, and through that gap evil force may enter. The factor of entrance is the fear of the man himself, who opens thus the door.

    iii. A standing firm and unmoved, no matter what occurs. Your feet may be bathed in the mud of the earth, but your head may be bathed in the sunshine of the higher regions. Recognition of the filth of earth involves not contamination.

    iv. A recognition of the use of common-sense, and the application of this common-sense to the matter in hand. Sleep much, and in sleeping, learn to render the body positive; keep busy on the emotional plane, and achieve the inner calm. Do naught to overtire the body physical, and play whenever possible. In hours of relaxation comes the adjustment that obviates later tension. (1-137/8)

Read directly from the book:


AAB:   Letters on Occult Meditation
Letter V - Dangers to be avoided in meditation

l—Dangers inherent in the Personality.  
2—Dangers arising from Karma. 
3—Dangers arising from subtle forces.



No glamour, no illusion can long hold the man who has set himself the task of treading the razor-edged Path which leads through the wilderness, through the thick-set forest, through the deep waters of sorrow and distress, through the valley of sacrifice and over the mountains of vision to the gate of Deliverance. He may travel sometimes in the dark (and the illusion of darkness is very real); he may travel sometimes in a light so dazzling and bewildering that he can scarcely see the way ahead; he may know what it is to falter on the Path, and to drop under the fatigue of service and of strife; he may be temporarily sidetracked and wander down the bypaths of ambition, of self-interest and of material enchantment, but the lapse will be but brief.

Nothing in heaven or hell, on earth or elsewhere can prevent the progress of the man who has awakened to the illusion, who has glimpsed the reality beyond the glamour of the astral plane, and who has heard, even if only once, the clarion call of his own soul.

The astral plane is also, Kurukshetra, both of humanity as a whole and the individual human unit. It is the battleground whereon must be found the Waterloo of every aspirant. In some one life, there comes an emotional crisis in which decisive action is taken, and the disciple proves his control over his emotional nature. This may take the form of some great and vital test, covering a brief time but calling forth every resource of wisdom and purity that the disciple possesses, or it may be a long and protracted emotional strain, carried over many years of living. But in the attaining of success and in the achievemement of clear vision and right discernment (through right discrimination) the disciple testifies to his fitness...

Every man who liberates himself, who sees clearly, and who releases himself from the glamour of illusion, aids in the great work. (2-223/4)

The aim should be the development of the habit of meditation all day long, and the living in the higher consciousness till that consciousness is so stable that the lower mind, desire, and the physical elementals, become so atrophied and starved through lack of nourishment, that the threefold lower nature becomes simply the means whereby the Ego contacts the world for purposes of helping the race. (1 -145)

  Fiery World I, 287. True, Armageddon is not wanting, yet even the dark force itself at some time yields a store of new cunning devices. Let us not complain because of the many, many attacks. It cannot be otherwise. The ability to become accustomed to danger is a powerful weapon against enemies. Verily, people are in danger every moment. It is a great delusion to think that everything rests in safety. Maya appears to men under the guise of tranquility, but precisely the Yogi senses that the cross of existence stands immutable. Only the acceptance of the cross and the ascent of the Mountain where there are even five-legged calves, only such valor will carry one over the abyss. Let us not forget that I ordained caution, because it is a quality of valor.

Fiery World I, 605. There is no salvation surer than that through devotion. One can forgive much where there is unswerving devotion. The man who is devoted in heart can be relied upon. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the Fiery Sword. Be not astonished�the Battle increases!

                                                             Source: Agni Yoga


When the personal lower self is subordinated to the higher rhythms and obedient to the new Law of Service, then the life of the soul will begin to flow through the man to the others, and the effect in a man's immediate family and group will be to demonstrate a real understanding and a true helpfulness...Nothing can stop or arrest the potency of this life of natural, loving service, except in those cases wherein the personality gets in the way. Then service, as the Teachers on the inner side of life understand it, gets distorted and altered into busy-ness. It becomes changed into ambition, into an effort to make others serve as we think service should be rendered, and into a love of power which hinders true service, instead of into love of our fellow men. (3-128/9)

The cause of all sorrow and woes is desire -- desire for that which is material. ... "No man liveth unto himself", and no nation either, and ...the goal of all human effort is loving understanding, prompted by a love for the whole.(4-166)

The Bulk of human beings are still too hungry, too devastated psychically, too bewildered and distressed, and too unsure of their future, their freedom and their security, to be in any condition to listen to Him.(5-110)

Those who know & sense the inner guiding hand of the hierarchy, are aware that the heart of humanity is sound, and that out of the present chaos, and perhaps largely because of it, there will emerge those competent to deal with the situation and adequate to the task of unification and synthesis. (2-409)

Why is (non-criticism) regarded as so essential a requirement? ...Because in a sudden burst of critical thought, the entire personality can be galvanized into a potent co-ordination, but of a wrong kind, and with disastrous results. Because the work of white magic and the carrying out of hierarchical purpose meets with basic hindrances in the relations existing between its workers and disciples. In the present opportunity there is no time for criticism to exist between workers. They hinder each other and they hinder the work.

...I urge upon all those who read these Instructions to forget their likes and their dislikes, and to overlook the personality hindrances which inevitably exist in themselves and in all who work upon the physical plane, handicapped by the personality. I urge upon all workers the remembrance that the day of opportunity will not last forever. The pettiness of the human frictions, the failures to understand each other, the little faults which have their roots in the personality and which are, after all ephemeral, the ambitions and illusions must all go. If the workers would practice detachment, knowing that the Law works, and that God's purposes must come to an ultimate conclusion, and if they would learn never to criticize in thought or word, the salvaging of the world would proceed apace, and the new age of love and illumination would be ushered in. (2- 560/1)

If men carried the concept of brotherhood, with all its implications, into the life and work everyday, into all intercourse, whether between the capitalist and the labourer, the politician and the people, between nation and nation, or between race and race, there would emerge that peace on earth which nothing could upset or overturn. So simple a rule, and yet so utterly beyond the mental grasp of the majority! (2-303/4)

Be not afraid of loneliness. The soul that cannot stand alone has naught to give.(6-755)

If man only realized it, the devas of the astral plane at present very largely control what he does and says, and his goal of evolution (his immediate goal) is to liberate himself from their control in order that he, the real Ego [Soul] or thinker may be the dominating influence. ...If the man is controlled by them, he is yet under deva influence, and must free himself. If the deva life is of a low order, the man will demonstrate low & vicious instincts, and desires of a vile calibre. (7-662/3)

We know that this is the hour of humanity's greatest opportunity, and that if men can pass triumphantly through this and (by the strength of their own souls) surmount this very present evil, then the evolution of humanity will be hastened beyond all that was believed possible. It will constitute a release, self-achieved and self initiated. This means as much in the life of mankind as it means in the life of the individual disciple. That chance and that opportunity must not be taken from man; the gained spiritual and eternal values are of far greater importance than his temporary agony.

Little as you may realize it as you think of US in Our so-called safe retreats, the capacity of identification with all that is involved in the world pain today, and the sensitivity of Those connected with the Hierarchy to the unhappy condition of humanity, makes Their task of standing-by one of supreme spiritual agony. They understand the depths of the reaction of humanity; They comprehend and understand, for They are one with all men. This involves a far greater comprehension than you can grasp, and one which can only be adequately expressed in the word "identification". They need the staunch support of all Their disciples, the steadfast love, the loyal attitude, the unquestioning response to human need which will enable Them to carry more easily the heavy burden which human karma has laid upon Them, and which They carry voluntarily.

Will you give this? Will you aid Our work in every possible way, both as personalities, dedicated, dedicated to service, and as souls who walk the lighted Way? The need of humanity for love and light, the need of the Hierarchy for channels and for those who will work under direction upon the earth, can call forth all that you have to give and can evoke your soul (the only true reward the disciple seeks) in power and love. This will happen to you, if you will forget the little self. (8-101)

All that I can hope and pray is that your individual will can be merged into the divine will, that revelation will increasingly be yours, and that you will with increased steadfastness tread the Path from darkness to light, and from death to immortality.(9-718)

May Light and Love and Power shine upon your ways, and may you in due time and with as little delay as possible stand before the Initiator and join the ranks of Those Who --actively and consciously -- love Their fellowmen, work as reconstructive and regenerative Energies and forever-- SERVE. (9-738)

Excerpted as noted from books by the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul), through Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company

1. Letters on Occult Meditation
2. A Treatise on White Magic
3. Esoteric Psychology II
4. Glamour: A World Problem
5. The Reappearance of the Christ
6. Discipleship in the New Age -- Vol. II
7. Treatise on Cosmic Fire
8. Discipleship in the New Age -- Vol. I
9. The Rays and the Initiations

These quotations can also be found in the compilation: 'Serving Humanity' (quotations from several books by the Tibetan, Lucis Publishing) on pages 476-77.




Leaves Of Morya's Garden   Book One      The Call
Into the New World my first message.

You who gave the Ashram,
And you who gave two lives,
Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps.
Reader, if you have not grasped — read again,
        after a while.
The predestined is not accidental,
The leaves fall in their time.
And winter is but the harbinger of spring.
All is revealed; all is attainable.
I will cover you with My shield,
        if you but tend to your labors.
I have spoken. 
--- The Agni Yoga books can be freely downloaded (available in seven languages):

There is no salvation surer than that through devotion. One can forgive much where there is unswerving devotion. The man who is devoted in heart can be relied upon. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the Fiery Sword. Be not astonished, the Battle increases!  
Agni Yoga:  Fiery World I, 605.


Excerpts from some of the books by the Master Djwhal Khul   (also known as the Tibetan and the Master DK)

For Newcomers: Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan

The Reappearance of the Christ 

Astral Polarisation

Avatars and Divine intervention

Christ Will Teach the Law of Rebirth

Contact, impersonality and love


Education in the New Age

Five pm meditation

Forces of Darkness

Harmlessness  (the scientific method, par excellence...of cleaning house & purifying the centres)

Hazards of Hatha Yoga



The Intuition

The Kingdom of God on Earth



Mental Polarisation


More quotations

The need for care in meditation

The new group of world servers


Problems arising out of the awakening & stimulation of the chakras

Purification of the vehicles

Quotations from an assortment the AAB books

The Reappearance of the Christ 

Reflective Meditation on Attracting Money for Hierarchical Purposes

Safeguards against the Dark Brothers


Service & the Aspirant/Disciple

Sex & the Disciple

Six Rules of the Path (Rules of the Road)


Teachers & parents (advice for)  

The Three Major Spiritual Festivals

The unfolding Disciple

The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali


Transmission Meditation Groups
It is the creation, in co-operation with the Hierarchy of Masters, of a vortex or pool of higher energy for the benefit of humanity. There are more than 600 Transmission groups in 40 countries worldwide meeting on a regular basis. You may join an existing group in your area, or form your own group by simply inviting a few interested friends to meet with you at least once a week. All you need is the intention to do so and the desire to serve. There is never any fee to participate.

Collection of free downloadable & online books
The Ageless Wisdom & Other Esoteric topics
An excellent online catalogue and library documents the stages of  return to the modern world of Maitreya & the Masters of Wisdom. An ongoing process for which some have been preparing humanity since 1875.

Collection of articles by Aart Jurriaanse
He wrote some compilations from Alice A. Bailey's books along with commentaries on those teachings.  His work has helped many students of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

Agni Yoga Teachings (all the books in seven languages can be downloaded at

Agni Yoga Teachings regarding sex
If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire.

Articles about UFOs & the Space Brothers

Esoteric Training
This article was dictated by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul, in 1934. It is printed in the book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 3-20, published by the Lucis Publishing Company. The need for trained esotericists is more urgent today than it was then.

The Alice Bailey books were published by Lucis Trust and can be purchased directly from them, or from fine bookstores everywhere:

Lucis Trust has a ~new  14-page introductory PDF booklet about the 3 major full festivals

   PDF with US meeting dates

PDF with UK meeting dates

   More Links



Benjamin Creme discusses the emergence of Maitreya, The World Teacher


Maitreya Dancing in Karbala (believe it or not!)


The "Horseman" appears @ 1:23:


Kalki Avatar with the sword of cleavage


"In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि; meaning 'Eternity,' 'White Horse,' or 'Destroyer of Filth') is the final incarnation of Vishnu [Maitreya, the World Teacher] in the current Mahayuga, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga [now!]...the Puranas foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of the end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga [New Age]." Source: Wikipedia

"When Maitreya comes before the world there will begin for men a period of intense heart-searching and reflection. It is only to be expected that for many it will be a painful, even traumatic, one. So steeped in the ways and ideas of the past, so fearful of a future unknown and strange, are millions today, that men will want to take stock of the new situation which will then pertain…. When Maitreya first announces His plans and hopes for the rehabilitation of the world, His energy of Love – the Sword of Cleavage – will further delineate the divisions which now exist. Men will take sides – for or against the new principles that He will present for the betterment of all. Thus will it be. Thus will a period of discord and discontent precede the acceptance of the new. Gradually, however, even the least sanguine will acknowledge the need for a reconstructed world and add their weight to the task.

"There will begin a time unlike aught seen before on Earth. On every hand and at every level the changes will pursue their logical course, cementing in law and principle and form the aspirations of all. Thus will men regain a hold on their destiny and turn away for ever from the abyss. (The Master -- from ‘Coping with change’) 
The Sword of Cleavage is the energy of Love. As people respond to this energy the world will be divided – those who are clamouring for change along the lines Maitreya is advocating, and those who are fearful and looking to the past, who see Him as the Antichrist, are fearful and do not know what to do. They will stand aside and watch the events, and so lose the opportunity presented, for the first time in history, to take part in the transformation of the world. It is up to each individual, from where he or she stands, to assert their divinity. (Benjamin Creme, The Awakening of Humanity)

"Much that is loved must go. Cling not to the old forms. Much will depend on man’s ability to renounce these outworn structures, and to create a new and simpler world. Remember this. Forget not that I come to change all things. My Coming brings peace. Likewise, My Presence brings cleavage. My Sword, that Love which I am, will separate all men, will show the True from the false, will clear the way for the New Light which I bring. May it be that you can withstand this change and accept My Light. (Maitreya, from Message No.74)

Source/read more:
The Sword of Cleavage: selection of quotations on the theme of ‘The Sword of Cleavage’ from Maitreya's Messages & Teachings, the Master --, and Benjamin Creme’s writings.

-- the selection of quotations is after the letters to the editor.


 In an interview with the German author Peter Andreas, the scientist Prof. G. Quispel expresses his amazement that the demonstrably wrong ideas on this subject have not been abandoned:

"I am constantly astonished to see that people still do not appear to know what has been recognized for one and a half centuries: that the beast from the Apocalypse refers to none other than the Caesar, Nero. Only the later Christian church, in the time of Constantine (325 AD), put the Apocalypse into a future, historical time-frame." (From: Was Morgenwahr sein kann, Econ Verlag)
666 -- and other misunderstandings



  • One of the easiest ways to know me, Maitreya says, is to be honest in your mind, be sincere in your spirit, and practice detachment. Any action performed with dishonesty of mind, an insincere spirit and attachment is destructive. For example, when you think one thing, say another, and do something which is different again, you are lost. Honesty of mind leads to honest speech and honest action. This harmony leads to peace and happiness. Without detachment there is no salvation.

  • Be what you are. Do not surrender your self-respect, your dignity, to others. Do not allow anyone to cast his shadow over you. A Master gives experiences, but does not cast his shadow.

  • Do not follow one another. If you practice honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment, you will know me, you will know the Lord.


Ponder on this Part 1

The Reappearance of the Christ Part 1


The Reappearance of the Christ Part 2


The Ageless Wisdom of Esoteric Psychology:

SRI SAI BABA - COSMIC AVATAR chanting the Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri is a great prayer for the blessing of all creatures.
Download this 125 KB mp3 file recording of  Sai Baba sounding the Gayatri Mantra  ~30 seconds long.
It has a profoundly nice effect - and can be set repeat on most of the free sound players.
People in previous generations have not had such a treasure freely available to them.


The Mahatma Letters



Eckhart Tolle - The Flowering of Human Consciousness


THRIVE  (full movie)



"The problems confronting us should be faced with courage, with truth, and understanding,
as well as with the willingness to speak factually, with simplicity and with love,
in the effort to expose the truth and clarify the problems which must be solved.
The opposing forces...must be routed..."     The Tibetan

"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
The World Teacher

 More excellent videos:

Ponder on This:

The Reappearance of the Christ:

"Almost anything you do [to help humanity] will seem insignificant,
but it's very important that you do it."  
Mahatma Gandhi

As a non-profit, educational, private initiative the website, while very grateful for their Great Work, is not affiliated with the Theosophical Society, Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, the Tibetan, Agni Yogi Foundation, Helena Roerich, H.P. Blavatsky, George Adamski, Benjamin Creme, Share International, Peter Liefhebber, and all others quoted here. Quoted texts are the intellectual property of the copyright holders. For the latest news on the emergence of Maitreya & the Masters of Wisdom, see the SI web site:

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