from the work of the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul),
through Alice A. Bailey
1. Early in experience, after the attainment of the highest the lower nature has to offer, man begins to meditate. Disorderly at first are his attempts, and sometimes several incarnations may go by in which the Higher Self only forces the man to think, and seriously to meditate at rare and separate intervals. More frequently come the occasions of withdrawing within, until there arises for the man several lives given to mystic meditation and aspiration, culminating usually in a life given entirely to it...
Now comes to all of you the most important series of lives, to which the previous points of culmination, were but stepping stones. In the lives immediately ahead of those upon the Path, will come final achievement through the instrumentality of the ordered occult mediation, based on law. For some few may come attainment in this life or the next; for others, shortly in other lives. (1, p.12)
2. The main function of meditation is to bring the lower instrument into such a condition of receptivity and vibratory response, that the Ego, or Solar Angel, can use it, and produce specific results. (2-998).
3. Meditation is dangerous and unprofitable to the man who enters upon it without the basis of a good character and of clean living...Meditation is dangerous where there is wrong motive, such as the desire for personal growth and for spiritual powers, for it produces, under these conditions only a strengthening of the shadows in the vale of illusion and a one-pointedness that may lead to an unbalanced development. One-pointedness is a virtue, but it should be one-pointedness of purpose and aim, and not that which develops one sole line of method, to the exclusion of all others.
The dangers of meditation are largely the dangers of our virtues, and therein lies much of the difficulty. They are largely the dangers of a fine mental concept that runs ahead of the capacity of the lower vehicles, especially of the dense physical. Aspiration, concentration, and determination are necessary virtues, but if used without discrimination, and without a sense of time in evolution, they may lead to a shattering of the physical vehicle that will delay all progress for some one particular life. Have I made my point clear? I seek but to bring out the absolute necessity for the occult student to have a virile common sense for one of his basic qualities coupled with a happy sense of proportion, that leads to due caution, and an approximation of the necessary method to the immediate need. To the man, therefore, who undertakes wholeheartedly the process of occult meditation, I would say with all conciseness:
a. Know thyself.
b. Proceed slowly and with caution.
c. Study effects.
d. Cultivate the realization that eternity is long, & that which is slowly built up endures forever.
e. Aim at regularity.
f. Realize always that the true spiritual effects are to be seen in the exoteric life of service.
g. Remember likewise, that psychic phenomena are no indication of a successful meditation. The world will see the effects, & be a better judge than the student himself. Above all, the Master will know, for the results on causal levels will be apparent to Him long before man himself is conscious of any progress. (1-92/4)
5. The aim should be the development of the habit of meditation all the day long, and the living in the higher consciousness till that consciousness is so stable that the lower mind, desire, and the physical elementals, become so atrophied and starved through lack of nourishment, that the threefold lower nature becomes simply the means whereby the Ego (soul) contacts the world for purposes of helping the race. (1-145).
6. For all these troubles, forms of meditation may be found, which -- if followed in time -- will eventually dissipate them. The fundamental fact to be grasped here, is that only when the pupil has an intelligent appreciation of the trouble or troubles affecting him, only when he has the ability to conscientiously follow the imparted formulas, and only when his object is unselfish, will he be trusted with these forms. When his object is to equip himself for service, when he aims only at the acquirement of healthy vehicles for the better carrying out of the plan of the Great Ones, and when he desires not to escape disease for his own personal benefit, only then will the formulas work in connection with the egoic (soul) consciousness. (1-161)
7. Meditation ... is the means of bringing to the unit under development the capacity which will produce:
a. abstraction, or liberation from form
b. Creative power
c. Direction of energy, through an act of the will
d. Future constructive activity
By means of meditation, a man finds freedom from the delusion of the senses, and their vibratory lure; he finds his own positive center of energy and becomes consciously able to use it; he becomes, therefore aware of his, real Self, functioning freely and consciously beyond the planes of sense; he enters into the plans of the greater Entity within Whose radiatory capacity he has a place; he can then consciously proceed to carry out those plans as he can grasp them at varying stages of realization; and he becomes aware of essential unity ... Freedom to work on any Path must be gained by occult meditation; freedom to escape beyond the ring-pass-not is also thus attained. (2-746/7).
8. One of the objectives of the daily meditation, is to enable the brain and mind to vibrate in unison with the soul as it seeks "in meditation deep" to communicate with its reflection.(3-74)
9. Meditation involves the living of a one-pointed life always and everyday... This process of ordered meditation, when carried forward over a period of years, and supplemented by meditative living and one-pointed service, will successfully arouse the entire system, and bring the lower man under the influence and control of the spiritual man...When you, as an individual are endeavoring to "build the new man in Christ", which will be an expression of your true spiritual self, meditation is, as you well know, your best agent; but the meditation process must be accomplished by creative work, or else it is purely mystical, and though not futile, is nevertheless negative in creative results.(4-202)
10. "Let all students make up their minds in this day of emergency and of rapid unfolding opportunity to sacrifice all they have to the helping of humanity... The urgency of the hour is upon us, and I call upon all of you whom I am seeking to help, to join the strenuous effort of the Great Ones. They are working day and night in an effort to relieve humanity. I offer to you opportunity and I tell you that you are needed -- even the very least of you. I assure you that groups of students, working in unison and with deep and unfaltering love for each other, can achieve significant results." (2-639)
Excerpted as indicated from the following books by the Tibetan, through Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company:
1. Letters on Occult Meditation
2. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
3. A Treatise on White Magic
4. Discipleship in the New Age
Online copy of Letters on Occult Meditation:
"For disciples, such as those I...attempt to teach, there is no retiring from the world. There is no condition of physical peace and of quiet wherein the soul may be invoked and in which work—potent in results—may be achieved in the calm of silence and the rest of what the Hindu calls samadhi—complete detachment from the calls of the body and the emotions. The work has to go forward in clamour. The point of peace must be found in the midst of riot. Wisdom must be attained in the very midst of intellectual turmoil and the work of cooperation with the Hierarchy on the inner side of life must proceed amidst the devastating racket of modern life in the great cities. Such is your problem and such is my problem as I seek to aid you."
Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I
Transmission Meditation is a potent group service meditation for the new age:
Leaves Of Morya's Garden Book One The CallInto the New World my first message. You who gave the Ashram, And you who gave two lives, Proclaim. Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps. Reader, if you have not grasped — read again, after a while. The predestined is not accidental, The leaves fall in their time. And winter is but the harbinger of spring. All is revealed; all is attainable. I will cover you with My shield, if you but tend to your labors. I have spoken.--- The Agni Yoga books can be freely downloaded (available in seven languages):
There is no salvation surer than that through devotion. One can forgive much where there is unswerving devotion. The man who is devoted in heart can be relied upon. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the Fiery Sword. Be not astonished, the Battle increases!
Agni Yoga: Fiery World I, 605.
Excerpts from some of the books by the Master Djwhal Khul (also known as the Tibetan and the Master DK) For Newcomers: Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan
Harmlessness (the scientific method, par excellence...of cleaning house & purifying the centres) Problems arising out of the awakening & stimulation of the chakras
Reflective Meditation on Attracting Money for Hierarchical Purposes
Transmission Meditation Groups
It is the creation, in co-operation with the Hierarchy of Masters, of a vortex or pool of higher energy for the benefit of humanity. There are more than 600 Transmission groups in 40 countries worldwide meeting on a regular basis. You may join an existing group in your area, or form your own group by simply inviting a few interested friends to meet with you at least once a week. All you need is the intention to do so and the desire to serve. There is never any fee to participate. http://www.transmissionmeditation.orgCollection of free downloadable & online books
The Ageless Wisdom & Other Esoteric topics
An excellent online catalogue and library documents the stages of return to the modern world of Maitreya & the Masters of Wisdom. An ongoing process for which some have been preparing humanity since 1875.Collection of articles by Aart Jurriaanse
He wrote some compilations from Alice A. Bailey's books along with commentaries on those teachings. His work has helped many students of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.Agni Yoga Teachings (all the books in seven languages can be downloaded at
Agni Yoga Teachings regarding sex
If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire.Esoteric Training
This article was dictated by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul, in 1934. It is printed in the book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 3-20, published by the Lucis Publishing Company. The need for trained esotericists is more urgent today than it was then.The Alice Bailey books were published by Lucis Trust and can be purchased directly from them, or from fine bookstores everywhere:
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