Many millennia ago, on a continent long since swallowed by the waters of the
Atlantic, there lived a race of human beings who had achieved a level of technical
development comparable to your own, and who had evolved a civilization that met the needs
of all of its citizens. There were two major racial types: a dominant group of tall,
willowy, fair-skinned people who occupied all of the important posts, and a servant group
of short, swarthy, muscular beings who did most of the manual work.
This arrangement operated to the satisfaction of everyone. The dominant race
understood that they had a duty to the worker group: an obligation to foster mental and
emotional growth among them, while at the same time treating them with the utmost
kindness. The tall ones had been taught that both racial species were interchangeably used
by souls belonging to a single group, and that these souls incarnated repeatedly in one or
the other species, depending upon what life-lessons were most in need of being learned.
With the passage of time, the dominant race slowly lost sight of the ancient
teachings. They began to treat the workers with disdain, looking upon them as
inferior--fit only for exploitation. The programs that sought to help the workers develop
mentally and emotionally were terminated. Laws were passed that prevented them from living
within the major cities. By then, the tall race had developed technically to the point
where very little manual labor was required. In time there was a complete physical
separation between the two groups. The workers, abandoned by those who had once
befriended, taught and cared for them, descended into savagery. They fought among
themselves and raided the settlements of the tall race for food and other necessities.
Eventually the workers became more and more susceptible to disease, and their numbers
steadily decreased.
The soul group we are describing is of course your own. That group has been
trying to learn the essential lessons of the material plane ever since it began to use
this planet as its main school at the physical level. Unfortunately, the part of the
Atlantis experience we have just described represented a phase of unlearning--one
that was actually causing the soul group to lose ground. It became clear that the
experiment would have to be ended. The guardians into whose care the human soul group had
been entrusted decided there was only one way to accomplish the termination, and that was
to sink the entire continent beneath the ocean.
The inundation did not occur without warning. In fact, the guardians arranged
for many minor upheavals to occur beforehand, hoping that the Atlanteans would realize
that they had strayed from the upward path, and would seek to make the necessary changes
before it was too late. A minority of them did recognize the advance warnings of disaster,
and managed to escape from the doomed continent before it sank. Even the sinking itself
occurred in stages, again allowing those who had "eyes to see" to read the
Time turns in circles. The screen of human history repeats the major disasters
many times, in the hope that individuals facing catastrophe will subconsciously remember
that they have lived it all before, and will realize not only that the upheavals have a
cause, but that they themselves are that cause.
Now, in the final decade of the twentieth century, the human race is being shown
once again that the "wages of sin is death"--not in the literal sense of this
biblical expression, but according to its true metaphorical interpretation: that prolonged
disobedience to the cosmic laws results in failure of the support systems that sustain
mankind's planetary existence. Human beings imagine they can do as they please with all
the lower kingdoms--savaging the forests, polluting the seas and rivers, bloating
themselves on the cadavers of animals--and that these actions will have no consequence.
They think they can pour their mental energy into the fashioning of apocalyptic weapons
able to kill millions at a time--but that somehow they can prevent all that energy from
'manifesting' in the use of those weapons. Perhaps worst of all, they believe they are
justified in the hatred and resentment which they carry about, often for generations, not
realizing that they are merely staining their own souls with such negativity.
But everything in the earth realm comes with a price-tag, and every debt has its
day of reckoning. For mankind on this planet, that day is now.
Just as happened in Atlantis, the pressures on humanity to reform and
spiritualize itself will build gradually-- giving those who have retained a modicum of
intuitive awareness an opportunity to recognize the yawning chasm of destruction into
which the race is preparing to rush headlong. If enough souls can make the necessary
changes, it is possible --even at this late hour--to avoid the complete break-up of human
civilization. Only time can determine how the impasse will be resolved, for mankind has
the gift of free will, and no higher spiritual source can say ahead of time exactly how
that gift will be exercised.
Watch as the events unfold. If you find yourself fearing that the chaos and
destruction will never end and that you are living through the final days of mankind on
earth, remember that these things are merely a prelude to
the emergence of a new and spiritualized race
of human beings, to whom has been promised a golden age of peace, brotherhood and unity.
That golden age is not far off, as man measures time. A short period of darkness
will come, but then the dawn will break and with it will begin an era of immense progress
both materially and spiritually, truly an Age of Miracles.
You can be part of that wonderful experience. You need only to continue to
practice kindness and caring, reaching out to help others whenever the opportunity
presents itself. Above all, trust that there is a higher plan behind the negative
manifestations on the earth, and that the deepening shadows around you will soon
If you cannot bring yourself to believe in a loving Creative Source supporting
your world, then at least believe in yourself, or in the inevitable victory of truth and
goodness, or in the inherent nobility of the human spirit. In so doing you will be practicing faith, without which the
journey through life loses all meaning, and the mountain of spiritual achievement can
never be scaled.
May the peace and blessing of all the higher beings who care for humanity's
struggle be with you forevermore.
This work is believed to have been created by the Master
Hilarion through M.B. Cooke. The publishers encourage the copying and
distribution of this message. Excerpted from book called: THE MASTER PLAN, available from:
Marcus Books, P.O. Box 327, Queensville, Ontario, Canada, L0G 1R0, (416)
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