The concept of Love as inspiration and perfection has acted as a beacon for humanity through many ages. Its great promise has inspired poets, artists, teachers and humanitarians. To its lack we attribute the underlying cause of world unrest. In its proper expression - by sharing or brotherhood or world unity - we find solutions for the great human problems that we daily face. It is not mere chance or whim that brings love to the forefront of every expression on this planet. It is pervasive in our existence, for the solar system which we inhabit is the embodiment of a Deity whose very nature is love. Other solar systems express other qualities, such as will or intelligence, but since our system expresses Love, for us the very nature of God is Love. Love is a magnetic, cohesive energy which holds together everything that exists, from the tiniest atom to the great revolving bodies of the solar systems. It is the midpoint between spirit and matter. Through love the dualities inherent in existence are resolved into a higher synthesis. Through love the kingdom of matter is purified and the path to a higher expression of spirituality is found. In Christian terminology the Trinity expresses this idea. The Father (spirit) unites with the Mother (matter). The Son which is born of this union resolves the duality into a totally new quality, a Son, expressive of the Love of God. Sun Gods Through the Ages Because of this teaching there are woven through many of our religious legends allegories of the Son or Sun God. The ancient Egyptians honored Horus, son of Isis, the Persians the Sun God Mithras and the Christians honor Jesus, who is called in the scriptures the Son of God. These messengers and redeemers often share similar life stories. Most are born of a virgin in the dead of winter and endure a variety of childhood threats to their survival. They are honored by men for the purity of their teachings, but eventually meet opposition, and are martyred, often by crucifixion. After a journey into the underworld they return to life in the spring of the year, their victory over death assured. So we see that the legend of Jesus has its parallel in spiritual traditions of great antiquity. The purpose of the Sun God's mission is not only to win liberation by conquering death but to show a struggling humanity how to follow in His footsteps. Additionally each one brings to the world a new teaching, often coming at the very beginning of an astrological period to impart the truth which constitutes humanity's next lesson on the path of life. When Jesus came He taught that Love is our essential nature, that humanity is one, a unified kingdom of souls. Although His teachings have sometimes been used to unworthy ends, they have in many ways achieved their objective. Ideas of universal brotherhood and world unity have begun to claim the imagination of the thinkers of the world. Maitreya, the Lord of Love As we enter the astrological period of Aquarius, we can expect to see another great teacher, or Sun God enter our lives and, by His example, show us the way to a future more perfect than the past. People of all beliefs who understand the cycles of history look for such a teacher now. Concurrently, as if to mirror this world-wide expectation, many would-be messiahs are claiming to be the awaited one. This is to be expected. In the midst of such various claimants to the title, there lives today in London, a teacher with far ranging ideas and a vision of a future path for humanity which He says will cut to the very root of the problems we presently face. His name is Maitreya, and the teaching He brings he describes as our next step on the way to greater spiritual unfoldment.. He says that our present difficulties of war and human suffering can be traced to the disparities in income and opportunity between the nations and peoples of the earth. Describing our world as one in which "the rich parade their wealth before the poor," He says that He has come now, to live among us and help us heal this ancient evil. He teaches the art of sharing, and calls to those who live in the richest nations to voluntarily reduce their bloated consumption, so that the world will have enough to take care of all her people. Humanity is one, He says, and we are responsible for one another. We must feed the starving millions and make certain that all of our people have the very basics for survival. Any injustice or lack experienced by part of our world cannot but affect all who live in it. The implementation of just this one idea, Maitreya says, will change our world. It will, however, entail a reorientation of our economic systems; they will need to take as their standard the assurance of human dignity rather than that of competition and greed. It will change our political life; our leaders will no longer be exploiters of the people but will become their true servants. It will change the countless empty lives of all those who have been taught that wealth is the answer to human happiness. I Am Nearer To You Than You Could Know Is Maitreya the teacher for the Aquarian age, a Sun God sent to heal and lead humanity to a brighter future? The only answer to such a question lies hidden in the soul, in its ability to discern truth. Maitreya says, "My friends, I am nearer to you than you could know, for I sit within the heart of all those who love their brothers, of all those who wish to share and release the light of Justice and Freedom into the world....My words shall touch the hearts of all those who love their brothers and thus work with Me." The ideas discussed are based on the work of 3 esotericists: Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and Benjamin Creme. More articles by Bette Stockbauer Who is Maitreya? Directory of articles by several authors Share International - non-profit, non-denominational organization documenting the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher.