The UFO and Crop Circle Enigma -
by Bette Stockbauer

There are two phenomena of modern times - UFO activity and crop circles - which for decades have defied logical explanation. Here we take a look at these puzzling occurrences, and ask, "Who made them?" and "What was the motivation?" The answers offered are based on the philosophical ideas of Christian esotericism as expressed in the writings of Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme. These commentators claim to receive their information from highly evolved Spiritual Masters. Mr. Creme has been particularly outspoken about the important role of the UFOs in our present era.

"The reality is that this planet, and humanity on this planet, are part of a Brotherhood which embraces the whole of the solar system, and each is closely inter-related. The energy from this planet streams into every other planet, and the energy from every other planet streams into all planets, including this one. It is a close energetic co-relationship." - Benjamin Creme

I. Historical Prelude

From San Francisco to Yonkers

In the winter of 1896, tens of thousands of US citizens reported sightings of cylindrical airships sailing through the skies. They were first observed in San Francisco in late October, and for the next 6 months a steady stream of sightings occurred, marking a path which moved slowly eastward across the continent. They ended abruptly in April of '97 on the coast of the Atlantic in Yonkers, New York.

Today such events are regularly reported and accepted with little controversy by a large percentage of the population, but in 1896 they caused a sensation, because air flight was only in its conceptual phase and considered impossible by many. It was 7 years later that the Wright brothers conducted their famous flying experiments at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. As a result of these sightings, Americans began to look to the skies. Soon their own flying machines would fill the air, but it would be another 50 years until sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) again hit the news.

Foo Fighters of WWII

By the time the next round of sightings began, in 1944, the world was accustomed to air travel because its skies were filled with military planes fighting in the second world war. In that year were recorded hundreds of reports of unidentified flying machines mainly over Sweden and Germany. Allied troops flying bombing raids over Germany described unusual balls of light and disk-like objects "dancing" on the wings of their aircraft. These came to be called Foo-fighters after the word feu, meaning fire in German.

After the war, sightings continued, mainly in the United States near its military bases. The objects observed seemed to be weightless. They could change direction instantly, darting back and forth like a flying insect, or hover, completely motionless. They were capable of speeds unattainable by earth airships. The US Air Force conducted official investigations, but seemed mainly intent on denying their reality. Some speculators posited Venus and Mars as possible points of origin and a rash of movies were quickly produced about gruesome invasions of planet earth. By the 1970's most polls showed that over 50% of Americans believed the UFOs were real. Over 10% of the population claimed to have seen one. The UFOs had entered the popular imagination, not only of Americans, but of people everywhere.

Crop Circle Riddles

Early in the 1980's just when everyone had begun to take for granted the many stories of UFO activity, there came another enigma, further bewildering scientific credulity. Circular patterns, called crop circles, began to appear in cultivated fields. Inside the circles the grain stalks lay flat on the ground. The affected grain was rarely damaged and even continued to grow in its horizontal position. Farmers had noticed such patterns before, but never had there been so many, over so long a span of time.

Since then, similar circles have been seen in many countries, but most have appeared in the geographical area west of London. Each year the designs have increased in complexity. Theories have been offered as to origin - electro-magnetism, geothermal effects, or atmospheric forces. Scientists and religionists alike have pondered their meaning. Agreement can be reached on only a few things - their mechanism of manufacture completely eludes normal understanding, and they are of stunning beauty,

II. Esoteric Explanations

Spiritual Hierarchy

To properly understand the UFO and crop circle enigmas, one needs to comprehend some basic ideas about the organization of the celestial bodies in the solar system and their interaction with one another. Each of the planets revolving around the Sun is inhabited, not only by humans, similar to us, but by great spiritual beings who form what is called a Spiritual Hierarchy,

The function of the Hierarchy is to nourish and protect the lower kingdoms, particularly the kingdom of human souls. It energizes, directs, and sometimes cleans up the human mistakes. It offers guidance and inspiration, influencing activities which benefit the evolution of all life on the planet. On earth the entities who comprise its membership are called by various names, Angels, Bodhisatvas, or the Great White Brotherhood. In esotericism they are called the Masters of Wisdom.

Human Beginnings

The Spiritual Hierarchies of every planet in our system work together, and since each planet expresses a different quality and has achieved a different level of attainment, the more highly evolved can help those of lower status. This is precisely what happened on earth when the human kingdom began its long journey of evolutionary growth, 18 1/2 million years ago.

At that time Masters from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Venus took on the task of overseeing the earth evolution, and great entities came to the earth. Their primary goal was to instill in the nascent humanoid creatures the quality of mind or manas. They worked carefully with humanity for millions of years, until some of its members were evolved enough to "graduate" from the lower, human kingdom, and became members of the higher, spiritual one. This is a natural evolutionary advance; esotericism tells us that every human soul can eventually take this step into the spiritual kingdom.

Space Brothers from Venus

Today Venus still closely watches our evolution, aided by the planet Mars, and the UFOs come mainly from these two planets. Benjamin Creme says that there are thousands and even millions of them, that they have visited this planet for countless millennia, and they "release into our world tremendous cosmic energies which have a great effect in transforming humanity and in sustaining the planet as an integral being. Their work is continuous and endless, and we all owe them a tremendous debt."

The Space Brothers, as Creme calls them, "are in etheric (invisible) matter and the UFOs are in fact of etheric substance. When we see them, or when they land, they bring down the vibrational rate of that etheric matter to a lower rate, temporarily, so that we can see them as being solid physical. If you met a Martian or a Venusian....they would seem just like any of us. That would be a temporary manifestation on the physical plane.

"Without them this earth would be a very painful place indeed. They mop up a great deal of the nuclear radiation which we release into the atmosphere through nuclear experimentation.... The space beings have 'implosion' devices which neutralize this nuclear radiation. Without their assistance our rivers and streams would be undrinkable; we would, literally, be dying. There would also be large numbers of deformed babies born. All this is a result of our misuse of nuclear energy. Without their help we would be in a very sad state."

He says that despite recent claims of alien abductions (which he attributes to morbid imaginings of frightened individuals), there are no hostile UFOs. The space brothers are totally beneficent. The physical manufacturing of the actual space ships is a combined effort of the inhabitants of Venus and Mars. As Venus is the more highly advanced of the two, it offers the design. Mars, as the great 'factory planet,' actually manufactures them. They are made by a combination of thought and very high technology, far beyond anything we know about today.

Energetic Magnetic Grid

Creme says the crop circles are all created by UFOs and are closely connected with the work of the Hierarchy. "These circles, which have been known to 'Ufologists' for several decades, are indeed the result of action by the Space Brothers and their UFOs. They are created and left deliberately as a sign of their presence, the extraordinary structure and precision of the circles being a testimony to their higher science.

"They have several levels of purpose. Firstly, they are a continuous reminder to us of their presence in our skies. More importantly, each circle is magnetized and occupies a specific place in the lines of magnetic force in our Earth's magnetic field. Each circle is a vortex (or chakra), drawing energy in and radiating energy to its surrounding area. Together (they are not haphazardly placed) they form a 'grid' or interrelated energy system of much benefit to us.

"They are all ideograms and echo symbology used in the time of Atlantis. They "will become 'batteries of energy' for humanity in connection with a new energy source, part of the science of light which lies just ahead for humanity."

Commenting on theory that they are created by a 'freak wind,' Creme says, "that is just stupid, and patronizing to human intelligence. Nobody of average intelligence would believe that is even possible - you only have to inspect the circles to realize that. But to make sure that that thought did not gain credibility, they (the Space Brothers) began to put rectangular bits on to the circles - and there is no wind that works in rectangles and triangles and these complex configurations."

III. The Coming of Maitreya and the Changing of the Age

Dawning of Aquarius

All of this extraterrestrial activity is occurring today in 'unprecedented' amounts because our present times are themselves almost unprecedented. UFOs and crop circles are not the only unusual happenings in today's news of miraculous manifestations, visionary experiences, and instantaneous healings. We truly live in an age of miracles and there is, again, a spiritual story behind the physical one which offers a further reason for miraculous events, crop circles and UFOs alike.

It is a scientific and astronomical fact that we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering that of Aquarius; such a transition takes place approximately every 2150 years. To make sense of the last tumultuous 100 years of our planetary history it is necessary to interpret events with this understanding in mind, because from a spiritual or energetic standpoint certain occurrences always accompany an astrological transition:

  1. Manifested life in the visible world begins to express new and different qualities because a different extra-planetary energy is impacting our system.
  2. For some period of time destructive forces take an upper hand and there is, literally, a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. This is a necessary step in order to eliminate old forms and institutions that will not serve the expression of the new energies.
  3. A great Spiritual Teacher comes into incarnation to show humanity how best to utilize the new energies.

Following are some ideas which draw connections between the UFO/crop circles enigma and these comments.

Forces of Darkness

World War I and II epitomized the forces of destruction which cleared out the energy of the old Piscean era. These forces, called by esotericists the forces of the Anti-Christ, were focused in Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese leaders. During the world wars and for the subsequent 15 years of the cold war, the fate of humanity hung in balance. Creme says that, "The UFOs....are here on what is basically a spiritual mission. Part of that mission is to hold this planet intact until the Forces of Light reach an energetic balance. This has been achieved. There was a period between 1956, roughly, and late 1959, when this world stood at the crossroads. The future of the world was really in the balance, and all efforts by Hierarchy and by the Hierarchy of some of the higher planets, especially Mars and Venus, were used to offset the mounting evil which was, in a sense, exploding on the planet - the last effort of the forces of evil to prevent the inauguration of the spiritual age of Aquarius."

In these statements we can see why the UFOs visited so frequently during and after the war and why the foo fighters accompanied the Allied airplanes. The outcome of the war was crucial to the future of the planet. In the decades after the war the frequent sightings around American military bases was probably connected with their concern about our manufacture and use of atomic weapons. Although we have no records for Russian sightings at the time, one can suppose that similar activity may have occurred on her military bases during that era of atomic proliferation.

The crop circles which began in the early 80's can be seen as a testimonial to the fact that mankind accomplished a successful transition into the new age. The energetic grid they are producing is part of the preparation for the new energies which are entering the planet, preparing it for a future time which will be as full of hope and promise as the past has been painful.

Forces of Light

In the religions of the East the doctrine of Avatars is well understood. The Buddhists and Hindus know that from time to time, and particularly at the turning of the age, a Great Teacher will come to help the human kingdom take another step upward on the evolutionary path. In our present age there are many, from the east and west alike, who await such a Teacher.

The Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is Maitreya the Christ. Maitreya is His personal name, and means "The Happy One". 'The Christ' refers to His role as leader of the Hierarchy. In 1945, as the great war was coming to a close, Maitreya made the decision to return to the plane of physical life as the Teacher for the Aquarian age. In addition, it was decided that a certain number, about 40, of the other Masters would return as well, to live in the world in the coming times and work personally with the human kingdom, helping it rectify its present ills. Such an occurrence, called the externalization of the Hierarchy, is unknown in recorded history. It is for the Masters, a step upward on their own evolutionary path and will be of tremendous benefit to our evolution as well.

In 1977 Maitreya actually entered the modern world, taking up residence in London. His plan has been to remain unknown for a number of years, until such time as enough people recognize Him on an inner level and invite Him to come forward and speak of His plans for the future. A number of the other Masters are also present in the world, working quietly, giving humanity enough time to adjust to the tremendous energies which they bring. They are responsible for the miracles and visions of our modern era. They are the 'Angels' which have appeared to so many people in need during recent years.

The Art of Sharing

They have one simple lesson to teach. They call it the Art of Sharing and it is the world's next step on the way to a higher spiritual expression. Pointing to the vast inequalities of our present economic systems, the greed and gross extravagance of the richer nations and the abject poverty and starvation of the poor ones - they say that this, of itself, is the basis for our planetary strife, the root of all war, the cause of crime. The first ingredient for a true expression of brotherhood is food, shelter, clothing and health care for all. The rich nations must reduce their constant consumption and use their surplus to supply the needs of all. Before the world can truly begin to function as a unified entity all its people must be fed and sheltered. This is what they come to teach.

They say that in the coming times, we will enter an age of true beauty if we can meet this challenge, reform our present economic and political systems, and give every citizen of our planet the right to a life of dignity and self worth. It is a single-minded idea, and one with vast ramifications.

Since the late 1970's Benjamin Creme has traveled the world delivering this message. His Spiritual Master has relayed through him much information about Maitreya and the times in which we live. His unique viewpoint gives a connecting link between many 'unexplainable' phenomena we see today. The UFOs, He says, are distinctly related to the reappearance of the Christ and the externalization of the Hierarchy. The crop circles, so ubiquitous in England and so close to London are a way to call attention to the place where Maitreya has begun His mission.

And in the future, Mr. Creme promises, not only will we have Maitreya and the Masters as our teachers, but the Space Brothers as well. He says that someday, "Consciously, mankind will see itself as part of this interplanetary brotherhood. We shall work together, and when the time is right - when our science, under the stimulation of the Masters of the Hierarchy, has reached the point where we can utilise what the Space People can show us - they will come and live and work with us for longer periods, and release their great, divine science (it is a divine science) into the world."

This is the promise we have been given. It is a promise that brings hope to a world weary from its own sorrow, grown tired of war and poverty and oppression. Many today are inspired by the message and respond to its call. The Space Brothers, the Masters, and Maitreya who bring a new infusion of beauty and power, offer to lead, if we will follow, into a future of true inner abundance. In that future each of us will find the God which dwells within by realizing our common brotherhood with all living things.

The ideas discussed are based on the work of 3 esotericists: Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and Benjamin Creme.

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